Lana Bint Lamanthis horse was bred in Germany

Lana Bint Laman

photo: Aline Sagrabelny

Lana's sire Laman HVP won several Brazilian Halter championships before he left for Germany to produce at Sax Arabians. Lana herself could go first on Halter shows by that sire but has not yet won a title. While her sire line includes Bask, Padron and Marbach mares, her dam line goes back to the Polish family of Sahara db to which also Mammona traces to.


grey mare
foaled: 2006-00-00 died: n/a
sire: LAMAN HVP sireline: Saklawi I (via Aswan)
dam: ESPANNA ESTOPA damline: Sahara db (branch: Ferja)
strain: Koheylah Moradiyah
additional information: 2nd in her class Elran Cup 2006, shown several times
Reinhard Sax
Sax Arabians

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